Robert Baker

Soccer Town Assets and work: Asset Lists

This is a rough draft excel of the initial asset list created for Soccer Town

  • Soccer Town Assets and work: Asset Lists

Factories and Mills
Wood_Mill_Old 2x2 Classic Wood Mill
Wood_Mill_Old Rebuild 2x2 restore in region 1
Wood_Mill 1 2x2 town 1 classical
Wood_Mill 2 3x2 moden to town 2 era
Wood_Mill 3 3x3 moden to town 3 era
Steel Mill 1 2x2 town 1 classical
Steel Mill 2 3x2 moden to town 2 era
Steel Mill 3 3x3 moden to town 3 era
Oil Factory 1 2x2 town 1 classical
Oil Factory 2 3x2 moden to town 2 era
Oil Factory 3 3x3 moden to town 3 era
Auto Factory 1 2x2 town 1 classical
Auto Factory 2 3x2 moden to town 2 era
Auto Factory 3 3x3 moden to town 3 era
Gem Mines 1 2x2 Classic gold mine
Gem Mines 2 3x2 moden to town 2 era
Gem Mines 3 3x3 moden to town 3 era

Town Decorations
Mountain Backdrops 8x8 two to three panes
Beach surrounding full screen size and resolution one pane outside the tial
Spring Water fall coming off a mountain side 4 x 4 spring water fall from mountain side
Water wells 2x3 commerative memorial water wells to be used in multiple areas of the town
Road tiles (com boeiros e drenos) 2x2
Side walk tiles 2x2
Curb and gutter tiles 2x2
Main world Grass tile 1 tile piece Green Grass
Main world Grass Old tile 1 tile piece Dying Grass
Stop Sign Type 1 1x1 Old fashioned
Stop Sign Type 2 1x1 Modified
Stop Sign Type 3 1x1 Modern Day
Bus Stop 1x1
Park Bench Type 1 1x2 short
Park Bench Type 2 1x3 medium
Park Bench Type 3 1x4 long
Street light Old 2x2 over hang street light
Street light Pole 2x2 placed on street light corners
Tumble weeds 1x1
Old Stacked boxes 1 x 2
Old Stacked boxes1 1 x 2 Variety
Trash particles 1x1
Wild bush 1x1
Weed bushes (tumble weed) 1x1
Tree A 1x3 Spruce
Tree B 1x4 Juniper
Tree C 1x5 Elm
Tree D 1x6 Rose Bush
Tree E 1x7 Oak
Rubble particles A 1x1 different patch sizes of rubble
Rubble particles B 1x3
Rubble particles C 1x5
Scaffold variations (2x2, 3x3, NxN) 2x2, 3 x3, 4 x4
Scaffold support around buildings (Level 1, 2, 3, 4)
Decorative Fountain1 1x1
Decorative Fountain2 2x2
Decorative Fountain3 3x3
Decorative Fountain4 3x4
Trash can 1 1x1 Standard Metal Can
Trash can 2 2x2 Gallon Style two wheeler
Trash can 3 2x2 Dumpster Style
Trash can 4 2x2 Construction Trash Bin

Commerotive Statue 1 3x4 Old curroted statues depicting town hero´s from the past-mission based
Commerotive Statue 2 3x4 Old curroted statues depicting town hero´s from the past-mission based
Commerotive Statue 3 3x4 Old curroted statues depicting town hero´s from the past-mission based
Multi Colered Flower bed patch 2x4 decorative flower patches
Multi Colered Rose Bush 2x4 decorative rose bushes
Green Shrubs 2x4 Green Shrubs
Town Grottos 1 4 x4 Commorative old grotto caves tier 1
Town Grottos 2 5 x4 Commorative old grotto caves tier 2
Town Grottos 3 6 x4 Commorative old grotto caves tier 3
Picket Fence A 2x3 White
Picket Fence B 2x3 Gray
Chain Link Fence A 2x4 Metal
Chain Link Fence B 2x5 Cheap material
Farm Style Fence A 2x5 Tan Wood
Farm Style Fence B 2x6 Tan Wood
Road Contruction signs 2x2 available for all towns
Lemonade Stands 2x2 available for all towns
Ice cream stands 2x2 available for all towns
Hot Dog Stands 2x2 available for all towns
Food Carts 2x2 come available for towns 2 and 3

XP Bar
Endurance Bar
Food bar ??? put on hold for now
Main HUD Flux
Load Screen
Tutorial assets (Arrows and other 2D stuffs)
Mr Kickers Ilustration Talking
Mr Kickers Ilustration Bus
Mr Kickers Ilustration Thumb
Mr Kickers Ilustration Whistle
Level up bar
Dialog Windows [see dialog system for scaled sizes]
Set up team screen
Store screen
Intro Animation
Process Bar (grinds)
Animating stars after a successful grind or process
Timer clock Timer based grinds a small soccer ball with the clock interface embedded onto it
Instant Games Reward screen Trigger a key hidden power up in the game and earn a big cash splash payout of coins on the screen
Paper Page White 15 pixels Mission based-pick up all pieces of paper to collect the game plan
Paper Page Gold 15 pixels Mission based pick up all pieces of paper to collect the game plan
Game Tickets 16 pixels Collect game tickets to pass out at the game
Game Programs 17 pixels Collect game programs to pass out to fans before the game

Tear Drops
Small teardrop 2x2 Timer display
Medium Size Teardrop 3x3 short message display during mouse over
Larger Size Teardrop 3x4 Longer message display during mouse over


Field see soccer field types
Visual feedbacks – Mr Kickers feedbacks see dialog boxes sizes see dialog boxes
Result Screen Pop Up screen Win Losse Screens
Cutscene Powerup transition screen see cut scenes
Celebration cutscene see celebration images
"Players – 6 animation
(Mark, Kicking, Passing, Dribbling, Block, Rinning)" see soccer player animations

Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen man 1x1 see citiville FB game for reference
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen woman 1x1
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen boy 1x1
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen girl 1x1
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen construction worker 1x1
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen cat 1x1
Sprite sheet walk cycle – Citizen dog 1x1

Wood Icon
Farm Icon
Click Ballons (constructions)
Bus Icon
Task icons for each task
New Task Banner Arrow New task indicator an arrow with the new task embedded in the middle pointing to the new task
Progression Banner Progression banner plays and points to the new task when 1 of multiple tasks have been fullfilled

1.    Team Bus 20-25 pixels Yellow School Bus
2.    Commercial Bus 20-25 pixels City Bus
3.    Tourist Bus 20-25 pixels Tourist Bus
4.    Taxi 20-25 pixels New York City style yellow cab
5.    Pick Up Truck (farming) 20-25 pixels Farming Pickup Truck
5.  Tractor (farming) 20-25 pixels Farming Tractor
7.    Base Auto mobile for ambience 20-25 pixels
8.    Luxury Auto-mobile for ambience 20-25 pixels
9.    Police Car 20-25 pixels
10.  Fire Truck 20-25 pixels
11.  Telephone Line Truck 20-25 pixels
12.  Construction Vehicle A 20-25 pixels Dump Truck
12.  Construction Vehicle B 20-25 pixels Crane
13.  Delivery Truck (ala UPS) 20-25 pixels
14.  Postal service truck 20-25 pixels
15.  18 wheel semi-truck 20-25 pixels This is a commerical based business delivery truck

Train System
Train Tracks 20-25 pixels Train station for commuting through the city for pedestrians
Train Track Station 20-25 pixels This asset is drawn at near the tracks towards the ends

Airlines and airplane vehicles
Airport with runway attachment 30-55 pixels Airport with runway attachment
Prop Travel Plane 30-55 pixels Old school propeller style jet from the 50´s
747 Commercial Jet 30-55 pixels Base commercial jet
Team private jet 30-55 pixels Plush team private jet

Watermelons 1 crate tile
Oranges 1 crate tile
Apples 1 crate tile
Grapes 1 crate tile
Bananas 1 crate tile
Mangos 1 crate tile
Carrots 1 crate tile
Cashew Nuts 1 crate tile
Almonds 1 crate tile
Corn on the cob 1 crate tile
Radish 1 crate tile
Beans 1 crate tile
Onions 1 crate tile
Tomatoes 1 crate tile
Potatoes 1 crate tile

Soccer Boots type 1 40 pixels Generic
Soccer Boots type 2 40 pixels Junior Boot
Soccer Boots type 3 40 pixels Senior Boot
Soccer Boots type 4 40 pixels Pro Style Boot
Shirts Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Shirts Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Shirts Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Shirts Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches
Shorts Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Shorts Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Shorts Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Shorts Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches
Socks Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Socks Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Socks Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Socks Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches

Small Gem Image Size special moves
Medium Gem Image Size power ups
Large Gem Image Size super power ups

Power Up cards
special moves cards 1x1 exhange generated gems for power up cards tier 1
power up cards 1x2 exhange generated gems for power up cards tier 2
super power up cards 1x3 exhange generated gems for power up cards tier 3

Housing Town 1 1950´s
1 story house 2x2 Base 1 story with yard
2 story house 2x3 Base 2 story with yard and decorations and garage
3 story house 2x3 Classic 50´s style luxury houses
4 story house 3x3 Classic 50´s style luxury houses
5 story house 3x4 Classic 50´s style luxury houses

Housing Town 2 70s 80s
1 story house 2x2 Base 1 story with yard
2 story house 2x3 Base 2 story with yard and decorations and garage
3 story house 2x3 Three story house with swimming pool, populated yard and garage
4 story house 4 x4 Four story house with swimming
5 story house 4x5 Five story house with two swimming pools, big patio, yards

Housing Town 3 Modern Day
1 story house 2x2 see link for references
2 story house 2x3 see link for references
3 story house 2x3 see link for references
4 story house 4 x4 see link for references
5 story house 4x5 see link for references

Hi Rise Aprartment building types Town 1
2 story apartment 3x3 see link for references
3 story apartment 4x4 see link for references
6 story apartment 4x6 see link for references
Town 2 Apartments
10 story apartment 3x4 see link for references
15 story apartment 4x5 see link for references
20 story apartment 5x5 see link for references
Town 3 Apartments
30 story apartment 4x5 see link for references
40 story apartment 4x6 see link for references
50 story apartment 5x5 see link for references
Skysrcapers style condos 5x6 see link for references
Penthouse condos 5x7 see link for references

Commercial Buildings Stores Resteraunts Town 1
General Merchandise Store 2x2
Post Office 2x3 Base post office building
1 story bank 3x2 Mail Office
McBurgers 3x3 Burger Joint
Kickers Malt Shop 3x3 Fast Food
Dog Hotters 3x2 Hot Dogs
Mama Mias Pizzarea 2x2
Class A office building 50 story 4x5 commercial upgrades
Class B office building 50 story 4x5 commercial upgrades
Steel Toes Pro Soccer Shop 2x2 Soccer Paraphanelia each character has a shop
Alexia´s Health Food 2x2 Health Food Chain
Casino/Hotel 4x4 Level three skyscraper casino
Base service station 2x3 Old school service station
Full store and gas station combination 3x3
Old style roadside casino 2x2 Old classic casino
Old convient stores 2x3 7/11 style convience store

Commercial Buildings Stores Resteraunts Town 2
General Merchandise Store 2x2 Modern to town 2 see reference
Post Office 2x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
1 story bank 3x2 Modern to town 2 see reference
McBurgers 3x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Kickers Malt Shop 3x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Dog Hotters 3x2 Modern to town 2 see reference
Mama Mias Pizzarea 2x2 Modern to town 2 see reference
Class A office building 50 story 4x5 Modern to town 2 see reference
Class B office building 50 story 4x5 Modern to town 2 see reference
Steel Toes Pro Soccer Shop 3x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Alexia´s Health Food 3x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Casino/Hotel 4x4 Modern to town 2 see reference
Base service station 2x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Full store and gas station combination 3x3 Modern to town 2 see reference
Town 2 casino 2x2 Modern to town 2 see reference
Town 2 convienient store 2x3 Modern to town 2 see reference

Commercial Buildings Stores Resteraunts Town 3
Fancy Resteraunt 1 2x2 Modern to town 3 see reference
Fancy Resteraunt 2 2x3 Modern to town 3 see reference
Fancy Resteraunt 3 3x2 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Fast food 1 3x3 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Fast food 2 3x3 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Fast food 3 3x2 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day Pizzeria 1 2x2 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day Pizzeria 2 4x5 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day Pizzeria 3 4x5 Modern to town 3 see reference
Steel Toes Pro Soccer Shop 4x4 store gets bigger in size and stature
Alexia´s Health Food 4x4 store gets bigger in size and stature
Casino/Hotel 4x4 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day Gas Stations 2x3 Modern to town 3 see reference
Full store and gas station combination 3x3 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day amusment park 2x2 Modern to town 3 see reference
Modern Day Water Park 2x3 Modern to town 3 see reference

City and state parks
City Park Town 1 2x2 Classic and modern day city and state parks
City Park Town 2 2x3 Classic and modern day city and state parks
City Park Town 3 2x4 Classic and modern day city and state parks
State Park Town 1 3x2 Classic and modern day city and state parks
State Park Town 2 3x3 Classic and modern day city and state parks
State Park Town 3 3x4 Classic and modern day city and state parks

Cemetary 1 4x2 old historical cemetary town 1
Cemetary 2 4x4 modified tier 2 cemetary
Cemetary 3 5x5 modified tier 3 cemetary

Administration Buildings
FN Soccer commision building town 1 4x2 Town 1 Soccer Commisions building for hiring friends to work in
FN Soccer commision building town 2 4x3 upgrade 2
FN Soccer commision building town 3 5x5 upgrade 3
Power Building 1 2x3 Base post office building
Power Building 2 2x4 upgrade 2
Power Building 3 3x3 upgrade 3
County Building1 3x4 Old classical building
County Building2 4x3 upgrade 2
County Building3 4x4 upgrade 3
The Villains Dollar Sign Commision Building 5x5 The villains bank hotel combination
FN Soccer little registration building 1 2x2 Town 1 classic
FN Soccer little registration building 2 2x3 Town 2 and 3 upgrade
Vehicle Registration Building 1 2x2 Town 1 classic
Vehicle Registration Building 2 2x3 Town 2 and 3 upgrade
Police Station 1 2x3 Town 1 classic
Police Station 2 2x4 Town 2 and 3 upgrade
Fire Station 1 2x3 Town 1 classic
Fire Station 2 2x4 Town 2 and 3 upgrade

Motels and Hotels
Classic one story motel 3x3 Looks like the bates motel from psycho
2 star Hotel 3x4 As the teams success progresses the class of hotel will upgrade with the times era
3 star Hotel 4x3 Buildings stay preserved simple
4 star Hotel 4x4 Town 2 upgrade
5 star class hotel 5x6 Town 3 upgrade
Team Penthouse Town 3 6x6 Plush penthouse for the team to live
Knewt´s Casino Hotel villain hotel all towns 5x5 Hotel/Casino combination skyscraper looks like a run down old hotel from a scene in back to the future 2

Soccer Stadium
Basic Soccer Stadium tier 1 4x3 Soccer Field complex with 1 tier attachment and 2 training facilities attached to it
The villains soccer field 5X5 no seats just a dirty old playing venue with broken seats, pot holes on the field, dangerous environment
Basic Soccer Stadium tier 2 5x6 Soccer Field complex with 1 tier attachment and 4 training facilities attached to it
Basic Soccer Stadium tier 3 6x8 Soccer Field complex with 1 tier attachment and 6 training facilities attached to it

note training facilities are attached to the soccer pitches

Friends Bar
Photo Boxes 50 x 50 pixels Image frame with name plate
Base frames

Mr. Kickers Full Size Images 164 X 164
Coach Steel Toe Full Size Images 164 X 164
Alexandria Full Size Images 164 X 164
The Villain Full Size Images 164 X 164
Tony Full Size Images 164 X 164
The Sixth Guy Full Size Images 164 X 164

Character Images Thumbnails
Mr. Kickers Thumbnail Images 50 x 50 small thumbnail images to be played on the left column indicating a new task or a task is in progress
Coach Steel Toe Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Alexandria Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
The Villain Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Tony Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Rahgib the goalkeeper Thumbnail Images 50 x 50

Full Screen Return page panel Full screen size and resolution Daily return page see design document for full details page 9 of the design document

Store Panel
The Market Full screen size and resolution See design document for reference
My Stuff

My Club Page Club page See design document for reference

Bags of Nails 1x1
Bags of Cement Mix 1x1
Construction Belt 1x1
Work Boots 1x1
Contracts 1x1
References 1x1 open bank account
Drivers license 1x1
Chaufer license 1x1 drive the bus
Rear view lights 1x1 build an all terrain vehicle to reach the villains mine
Big o tires 1x1
Flood Lights 1x1
Spoiler 1x1
Blue prints 1x1
Sports drink bottle 1x1
Game Programs 1x1
Maps 1x1
Building Deeds 1x1
Certifcates 1x1
Food license 1x1
Hot Dogs 1x1
Hamburgers 1x1
Training Whistle 1x1
Shinguard 1x1
Goalie Gloves 1x1
Pitch Mower 1x1
Water system 1x1
Paint 1x1
Weight Lifting Stations 1x1
Tred Mill 1x1
Monster Tires 1x1
Head lights 1x1
Drill Component 1x1
The Farm 1x1
The training facility 1x1
The School 1x1
Boney 1x1
The pitch 1x1
Invite Friends 3x3
Mr. Kickers 3x3
Mailbox 1x1

Uniform Extras
Soccer Boots type 1 1x1 Generic
Soccer Boots type 2 1x1 Junior Boot
Soccer Boots type 3 40 pixels Senior Boot
Soccer Boots type 4 40 pixels Pro Style Boot
Shirts Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Shirts Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Shirts Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Shirts Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches
Shorts Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Shorts Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Shorts Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Shorts Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches
Socks Type 1 40 pixels Generic
Socks Type 2 40 pixels Junior Brand
Socks Type 3 40 pixels Senior Brand
Socks Type 4 40 pixels Sponserships Patches

Gobby Full Size Images 164 X 164
Gargoyle Full Size Images 164 X 164
Cinamin Full Size Images 164 X 164
Bullet Full Size Images 164 X 164
knewt jr. Full Size Images 164 X 164
knewt sr. Full Size Images 164 X 164

Character Images Thumbnails
Gobby Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Gargoyle Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Cinamin Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Bullet Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
knewt jr. Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
knewt sr. Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
All harvest and fruit, veggie, and orchard icons Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
need to be in both sizes Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Thumbnail Images 50 x 50
Full Size Images 164 X 164
Full Size Images 164 X 164
Full Size Images 164 X 164
Full Size Images 164 X 164
Full Size Images 164 X 164
Full Size Images 164 X 164
All building and house asets Thumbnail Images 50 x 50

Mission Icons
Mr. Kickers Banner
Progression Arrow Banner
New Mission Alert Pointer
Mission accomplished!
The school Icon (with a tool)
Soccer match
The Wood Factory (with a tool)
FN Soccer commision (with a hammer tool)
The Farm (with a hammer tool)
Package of watemelon seeds
Goalkeepers Gate Keeper (with a building tool)
Goalkeeper diving for loose ball icon
One story house icon (with cement truck icon)
Team Bus Icon
Goalkeeper training facility
Soccer Pitch tier
First Match Play
Media Newspaper Icons *Note I need to meet with Daulton about a lot of new additions in the design document ASAP
News Papers
Sports center
Spining News Feedback from after the game

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